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AngularJS Expressions and Modules

AngularJS Expressions and Modules

Ravi Vishwakarma 150 24-Jun-2024

AngularJS Expressions are code snippets usually placed in bindings within the HTML template to bind data to the view. They can be written inside double curly braces {{ expression }} or directly in directives.

Basic Syntax: Interpolation: {{ expression }}

Example: <p>{{ 5 + 5 }}</p> would display 10.

Directives: ng-bind: Another way to bind data.

Example: <p ng-bind="message"></p>

Expressions vs JavaScript:

  • AngularJS expressions are like JavaScript expressions, but they are safe to use in HTML.
  • They do not support control flow statements like if, for, etc.
  • They can include literals, operators, and variables.


  • Mathematical operations: {{ 1 + 1 }}
  • String concatenation: {{ "Hello " + name }}
  • Function calls: {{ myFunction() }}
  • Object access: {{ }}

AngularJS Modules

AngularJS Modules are containers for different parts of an application. They help in separating the application into reusable parts and in organizing code.

Creating a Module: Use angular.module to create a new module.

Example: var app = angular.module('myApp', []);

Adding Dependencies: You can specify dependencies on other modules.

Example: var app = angular.module('myApp', ['ngRoute', 'ngResource']);

Components of a Module:

  • Controllers: Define the behavior of a particular scope.
app.controller('myCtrl', function($scope) {
    $scope.greeting = 'Hello, World!';
  • Services: Share data and behavior across the application.
app.service('myService', function() {
    this.sayHello = function() {
        return 'Hello!';
  • Directives: Teach HTML new tricks by extending its functionality.
app.directive('myDirective', function() {
    return {
        template: 'This is a custom directive'
  • Filters: Format data displayed to the user.
app.filter('capitalize', function() {
    return function(input) {
        return input.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + input.slice(1);
  • Factories: Similar to services but can return any value.
app.factory('myFactory', function() {
    return {
        greet: function() {
            return 'Hello, World!';

Example of AngularJS Application 

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <script src=""></script>
        // Define a module
        var app = angular.module('myApp', []);

        // Define a controller
        app.controller('myCtrl', function($scope) {
            $scope.message = 'Hello, AngularJS!';
            $scope.updateMessage = function(newMessage) {
                $scope.message = newMessage;

        // Define a service
        app.service('myService', function() {
            this.getGreeting = function() {
                return 'Hello from service!';

        // Define a directive
        app.directive('myDirective', function() {
            return {
                template: '<h1>Custom Directive</h1>'

        // Define a filter
        app.filter('reverse', function() {
            return function(input) {
                return input.split('').reverse().join('');
<body ng-app="myApp">

    <div ng-controller="myCtrl">
        <p>{{ message }}</p>
        <input type="text" ng-model="message">
        <button ng-click="updateMessage('New Message!')">Update Message</button>

    <div my-directive></div>

    <p>{{ 'AngularJS' | reverse }}</p>

Hi, my self Ravi Vishwakarma. I have completed my studies at SPICBB Varanasi. now I completed MCA with 76% form Veer Bahadur Singh Purvanchal University Jaunpur. SWE @ MindStick | Software Engineer | Web Developer | .Net Developer | Web Developer | Backend Engineer | .NET Core Developer

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